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Almost Married – June eNewsletter!

If you missed our June eNewsletter, then you missed this oh-so-sweet engaged couple captured by Sarah Kate, Photographer! To sign up for our monthly eNewsletter jam-packed with inspiring ideas, cute North Texas couples and all the latest happenings, click here, and be sure to check out Sophie and Jordan’s sweet story below!

Sophie and Jordan met at a housewarming party for a mutual friend. The two quickly hit it off and their friendship soon turned into a lasting relationship!  

Because of their shared love of travel, Sophie’s friends kept saying that the couple would get engaged on their upcoming trip to California, but Jordan had another idea! Days before the trip, he woke Sophie up early and led her to the living room where she found notes hanging from a string. On each piece of paper, he wrote different things that he loved about her. By the time Sophie got to the last note, he was on one knee. The icing on the cake was they got to celebrate by traveling across California!

Sophie and Jordan will be traveling again — this time to Buenos Aires for their destination wedding. Thanks to Sarah Kate, Photographer for sharing their lovely engagement photos!